CCHSAR serves Cayuga County and surrounding areas with emergency search and rescue operations and is deployed through the county 911 system. Our trainings are conducted once monthly and include skills in basic first aid, search scenarios and techniques, map and compass, GPS, CPR and other woodlands skills and safety. We encourage public safety through educational programs and lost prevention seminars. We can be contacted to conduct seminars or PR events through our Facebook messenger.

For more information on our team in Cayuga County or for information on teams throughout the New York state, please visit the sites listed below.

K9 Fisher locating a buried hide during training.

CCHSAR is an all-volunteer organization trained in locating lost persons. Our members come from all  walks of life and shoulder an awesome responsibility when activated for a search. The training is extensive for both Grid and K9 units. In addition to searches, our team puts on demonstrations and presentations for the public as well as other emergency organizations. We believe that education helps prevent tragedies. 

Cayuga County Highland Search and Rescue

K9 Freya locating a high hide during training.